Additional Services

Air Conditioning Service

Brisbane Air Solutions has industry experienced staff to assist you in making the right decision. Let us help you find your ideal air conditioning solution.

Chemical Clean

Did you know that most wall-hung split systems suffer from mould and mildew growth? This can sometimes go unnoticed and can lead to the spread of mould throughout your home or business.

We have a solution for you!
By carrying out one of our thorough chemical cleans we can eradicate harmful mildew or mould spores within your system leaving you breathing clean fresh air again.

Residential or Business Pre-Purchase Inspections

Building and pest inspections are an important part of purchasing any property. However, having your air conditioning equipment inspected is often overlooked and we receive many calls from unhappy owners who are left with expensive repair bills.

We offer a pre-purchase inspection service that includes a full report outlining the operational status and any faults that may be apparent for all air conditioning or mechanical ventilation equipment on site.

The cost of having this inspection could save you thousands.

Condenser Coil Protections

Our harsh Australian conditions can have an impact on your air conditioning system condenser coils. We can thoroughly clean your system condenser coils and apply a protective coating to help prolong their life and structural integrity for as long as possible.  This component of the system is paramount to its overall capacity and effectiveness.  Deterioration of the coils can lead to extremely costly repairs.

Mechanical/Carpark Ventilation and Fire/Smoke Dampers

Many residential and high-rise buildings contain mechanical ventilation systems which are required to be tested at certain intervals to comply with the relevant building codes and for fire safety.

Properly working equipment can ensure the safety of residents and occupants in the event of fire or smoke hazards. Carpark ventilation and CO monitoring systems are in place to create safe conditions in many basement and enclosed carpark applications.

Fire and smoke dampers in conjunction with mechanical ventilation further ensure safety of building occupants in the event of fire by helping to reduce the spread of smoke and fire between levels and designated areas in multi-occupancy applications.

Brisbane Air Solutions provide services for the testing, maintenance and repairs of all mechanical ventilation equipment to ensure that correct mandatory operation and compliance is met as per the Australian Standards.